Health Clinic
New Email Address that replaces the Clinics fax line:
696 S. 1st St. Terre Haute, IN 47807
The entrance faces 1st street and is across from the north end of Fairbank's Park.
Services Available by Appointment Only
Well Child & Physical Exams by a Physician are available on Friday mornings ONLY
Childhood and adult immunizations are provided to patients:
- With health insurance
- With no health insurance
- Who have health insurance, but it does not cover immunizations
- Those on Medicaid
Please call 812-462-3431 for details and to schedule your appointment. We will only accept cash payment
Adult physicals, sports physicals, kindergarten physicals and HeadStart physicals not requiring labs:
TB Testing Available
Testing on Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's
8:15-11:45 - 1:00-3:45
Call 812-462-3431 if you have any questions
***all services subject to change and/or cancellation***
You must call the clinic to setup and schedule an appointment to receive a Covid vaccine.
Free HIV Testing
- Confidential
- Walk-in HIV testing 4th Tuesday of every month
- 1:00 - 3:00 pm
- No appointment necessary
Communicable Disease Prevention Program
- Tuberculosis testing, prevention & treatment, outreach services
- Adult immunization (i.e. tetanus, flu, hepatitis)
- Communicable disease investigation
- Animal bite tracking & rabies investigations
Well Child Program
- Immunizations
- Growth and development
- Hemoglobin
- Lead
- Physical assessment
Physical exam by Pediatrician
Well child visit
HeadStart & Kindergarten physicals
Preventive health education
Referrals to other agencies or providers
Sports Physicals
Central Immunization Registry Program
The Children and Hoosier Immunization Registry Program "CHIRP" consolidates immunization records into a statewide web-based computer program. CHIRP allows for the sharing of immunization information among authorized health care provider, health insurers, schools, and day care centers. CHIRP helps assure adequate immunization, avoid unnecessary immunizations, meet immunization requirements, and control disease outbreaks. The Vigo County Health Department Central Immunization Registry has a strict protocol for maintaining confidentiality and privacy. Parents or guardians may obtain an official immunization record with a photo ID or by activating your child's MyVaxIndiana. Click on the link below for more information.
Link to MyVaxIndiana
Click here for more information
Upcoming Events
- Vigo County Board of Health Meeting04/16/255:00 pm - 6:00 pm
- Vigo County Board of Health Meeting07/02/255:00 pm - 6:00 pm
- Vigo County Board of Health Meeting10/15/255:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Contact Us
- Phone: (812) 462-3431
- Staff Directory
- Hours: 8:15am - 3:45pm
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