Sheriff's Office

Law enforcement is changing and today requires that deputies and detectives have access to information almost instantly. It is our goal to keep pace with technology and use it to better inform the citizen and provide the Sheriff's office with the latest technology in working tools at the lowest cost.
The primary departmental goal of the VCSD is to provide and maintain a modern and professional Sheriff's Office; staffed by well trained and qualified personnel; utilizing state-of-the-art technology, procedures and equipment; in providing the services required and deserved by the citizens of Vigo County.
You want a government that is accountable and fiscally prudent. You want sheriff's department that will respond quickly and have the ability to handle any emergency. I have listened, and want you to know that the Sheriff's Office is responding. As sheriff, I have made it my priority to find the best and most cost-effective ways to enforce the law and ensure that our safety and quality of life remain high.
To ensure that we can continue our success, I will focus on long-term vision, regional partnerships, and the legislative and policy changes that will break down our obstacles and help us to make Vigo County a better place to live.
As you explore this web site, it is my hope that you will find ways for you to become involved in the activities of the Sheriff's Office. Please work with us to search for more innovative and effective ways to promote public safety and to enhance the quality of life for all of us in Vigo County. I hope that you are pleased with the progress we have made and will continue to support your Sheriff's Office in the future.
We thank you for taking the time to visit our new internet data system. Please tell your friends, and drop us some e-mail letting us know what you thought. This is not a simple web site but rather the latest in internet technology allowing us to keep you better informed and providing the department a digital law enforcement working tool.
Thank you for visiting our site; I hope you'll come back often.
Greg T. Ewing
Vigo County Sheriff
Contact Us
Terre Haute, IN 47807