Veterans Court

Veterans Treatment Court

Veterans face many challenges related to experiences of military service; suffering from wounds such as post-traumatic stress, depression, head injuries, mental illness or substance abuse problems which may lead to their involvement in the criminal justice system.  Helping a wounded veteran restore his dignity and get back on his feet on the home front is a win for the community.  Specialized treatment courts have proven effective in addressing the particularized needs of our Veterans, protecting the public and preventing recidivism.

Mission of Vigo County Veterans Treatment Court

The mission of Vigo County Veterans Treatment Court is to create a collaborative, proactive effort between the court system and community organizations serving veterans; aimed at improving outcomes of veterans involved in the court system who have substance dependency and/or mental illness and increasing their opportunities for success after military service.

What is the Veterans Treatment Court

The treatment court is a collaboration between various agencies: the Court, the VA, the Public Defender’s Office, the Prosecutors Office, the Probation Department, Community Corrections and many other community partners.  Working together the agencies have created a viable option for a select group of offenders whose treatment needs are better met through intervention rather than incarceration.

Goals of the Veterans’ Court

  • Help Veterans receive the services they need to reach their full potential as productive members of society.
  • Help Veterans navigate the court system, treatment system, and the VA system.
  • Assess Veterans needs and help them adjust back to civilian life.

Court Hours

Court will be held on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month at 1:30 P.M. in Superior Court 1, 4th floor of the courthouse.

More Information:

 * Participant Agreements must be formalized with VCVTC Prosecutor

Veterans Court Mentors

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An essential part of the Vigo County Veterans Treatment Court (VCVTC) are the volunteer mentors.  They are an integral part of the support that encourages, guides and motivates participants to enter and complete timely and appropriate treatment for physical, psychological and substance abuse issues.  Trained and committed volunteer mentors who develop active and supportive relationships with the VCVTC participants increase the likelihood that the veterans will remain in treatment - - and longer treatment improves chances for a full and complete recovery to health, reducing recidivism and increasing community safety.

Mentors are not asked to be counselors or lawyers.  Rather they help guide and encourage participants to do the “footwork” to get the help they need to solve their own life’s challenges. As part of the support team, mentors “fill the gap” to help keep the participant moving successfully toward completing the VCVTC program.  Mentors can be a primary source for connecting participants with community based benefits, assistance and support services.  This can significantly reduce stress caused by distractions like housing or family needs, VA benefits, educational assistance, civil legal services, Indiana State Veterans Benefits and the like.

Please consider joining our team.  Here are some links to additional information:

 For questions or concerns please contact:

Amy Oehl

Veterans Treatment Court Coordinator



Cliff Stephens

Veterans Treatment Court Mentor Coordinator