Employee Benefits

Vigo County offers to full-time employees competitive benefit plans. These include Medical, Dental, Vision, Retirement, paid holidays, Flexible Spending Account Plans, 457 Plans, Life Insurance, and others.

Section 125 FSA Plan

FSA - Pop Plan Document Checklist Signed

Criminal Division

The Criminal Division is responsible for the prosecution of all criminal offenses and infraction violations that occur in Vigo County.  The Prosecutor's Office does not handle ordinance violation.  In addition to the Prosecutor and the Chief Deputy Prosecutor, 5 full time and 5 part time Deputy Prosecuting Attorneys are assigned to handle criminal prosecutions in the county, and another Deputy Prosecuting Attorney handles juvenile delinquency proceedings.  In addition, 2 investigators and 7 support staff assist in carrying out the functions of the Prosecutor's Office. 

Apply for a Permit

Apply for a Permit

Please choose the correct type of permit you are applying for: 

1. Application for a Demo/Remodel Permit: This application is for the removal of an existing primary or accessory structure and/or remodel of an existing structure including roof, gutters, windows, doors, and interior remodels equal to or exceeding $500. This does not include additions of square footage to any structure. 

2. Application for New Single Family Home or Addition: This application is for a new single family home or addition to a pre-existing structure. This does not include mobile homes, but does include modular or manufactured homes. For permits for mobile homes please contact the office for more information.

3. Application for an Accessory Structure Permit: This application is for accessory structures including but not limited to garages (attached and detached), pole barns, sheds, decks, patios, and solar panels. 

Currently, commercial and industrial buildings or any structure requiring a state release is not permitted online. Please contact our office for more information. If you do not see your project listed above, please contact the office to ensure you are filling out the correct application. 

Flood Zone Information: 

If you are unsure if your property is located in a flood zone, you can check on the Indiana Floodplain Information Portal 2.0. If your property is located in a flood zone, additional information will be required. 

Site Plan/Location: 

If you do not have a professional site plan showing the location of the new home/addition/structure, you can use Beacon to depict where it will be located. Instructions are available here: How to Use Beacon to Show Location

After you have a depiction of the location, please email it to areaplan@vigocounty.in.gov. A site plan/location is required for most permits (see application). 

Contact Information: 

Area Planning Department
159 Oak St, Terre Haute, IN 47807

Monday-Friday: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Phone: 812-462-3354

Email: areaplan@vigocounty.in.gov

Building Inspection (to arrange payment and pickup of permit)
151 Oak St, Terre Haute, IN 47807

Monday-Friday: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Phone: 812-462-3365

Email: carrie.lindsay@vigocounty.in.gov

Word Document:

If you would like to fill out the Word Document for the Application for an Improvement Location Permit, you can access it here: ILP Application Word Document. The document can be emailed to the Area Planning Department (email above) or you can bring in the application to the Area Planning Department in person during business hours. 

*We may need additional information to grant your permit. Staff will email you if additional information is required. Some permits may not be able to be granted via email depending on a project's complexity.

The Area Planning Department is permitted five (5) business days by the Vigo County Unified Zoning Ordinance Section 5(A)(3) to grant a permit. Additional time may be required by the Vigo County Health Department or the Building Inspection Department. 

Bruce W. Allen Jr.

Bruce W. Allen Jr.
Title: Vigo County Surveyor
Address: Vigo County Annex Building
143 Oak Street
Terre Haute, IN 47807
Phone: 812-462-3380
Fax: 812-234-1154

Professional Profile

The office of Vigo County Surveyor is held by Bruce W. Allen Jr.  Bruce was elected Vigo County Surveyor in 2014 and started his term January of 2015.  Prior to his oath to office, Bruce worked in the office for over 23 years, holding the Chief Deputy position from 1998 through the year of 2014. 

The Vigo County Surveyor's Office has revitalized the Stone Perpetuation Program, nearly 300 corners have been perpetuated in recent years.  In 2004, the Access Cover Project was implemented to help maintain section corners in the roads of Vigo County.  Currently, the office has installed nearly 800 access covers over points throughout the area.

Bruce also continues to provide an office that is committed to facilitating the needs of the citizens and professional surveyors of Vigo County.   Bruce is also an active member in the community.  He volunteers with many services, organizations, and is an active member in the community of his church. 

Vigo County Council Meeting Schedule

All meetings are held at the Vigo County Government Center in the Vigo County Council Chambers, 127 Oak Street, Terre Haute, Indiana 47807 unless otherwise noted.  All meetings of the full Council are at 5:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted.  The meeting schedule will include two meetings per month with the exception of July and December.  A meeting (also known as the "Sunshine Meeting") will be conducted at least one (1) week preceding the Council's regular business meeting, to discuss, but not vote on, any ordinances or resolutions to be acted upon at its next regular meeting.  No other matters may be brought up or discussed at this meeting except for ordinances or resolutions to be considered at the next regular meeting as specified on the Sunshine Meeting agenda.  If you have a request to submit for consideration, please file your request by the deadlines

If you would like to make a presentation during a council meeting and require more than the three (3) minutes or less allowed during public comment, please contact either the Council President or Administrator.  Per the adopted rules of the Council, during an initial portion of each regular meeting of the County Council any resident person may be permitted to address the Council only on matters not included on the agenda. The opportunity to address ordinances or resolutions on the agenda is the Sunshine meeting. Requests for presentations should follow the same schedule to file requests for consideration (please review the schedule in the link above).

The meetings are live streamed and archived on YouTube.

Meeting Schedule for 2025

Sunshine Meeting (Non-voting) Regular Meeting (Voting) Time
 Tuesday, February 4, 2025 Tuesday, February 11, 2025 5:00 PM
Tuesday, March 4, 2025 Tuesday, March 11, 2025 5:00 PM
Tuesday, April 1, 2025 Tuesday, April 8, 2025 5:00 PM
Tuesday, May 6, 2025 Tuesday, May 13, 2025 5:00 PM
Tuesday, June 3, 2025 Tuesday, June 10, 2025 5:00 PM
Tuesday, August 5, 2025 Tuesday, August 12, 2025 5:00 PM
Tuesday, September 2, 2025 Tuesday, September 9, 2025 5:00 PM
Tuesday, October 7, 2025 Tuesday, October 14, 2025 5:00 PM
Wednesday, November 4, 2025 Tuesday, November 11, 2025 5:00 PM

*** Meetings will be held at the City Hall Courtroom due to Council Room being used as an early voting site.

Court Records

For records requests please call (812) 231-4499.

Fire Prevention


 The Prevention Division

Environmental Health

New Email for the Environmental Division that replaces the fax line:  VCHD.admin@vigocounty.in.gov
Click on any of the headings below for more information:

Retail Food Establishments: Food Permit Applications 

2025 Food Applications

Certified Food Handler Requirements

Waste Water Protection

  • Licensing of on-site sewage disposal systems

           SEPTIC PERMITS ARE $150.00

Body Art & Ear Piercing Establishments

  • Licensing/Inspections of Tattoo and Body Piercing Establishments 

Commercial Swimming Pools

  • Public swimming pool monitoring (i.e. bacterial water quality, safety, pH levels) 
  • Spas & beaches 

Click on the links below for:

Industrial Park

For more information about the Industrial Park, visit their website at: http://www.vcipark.org/.

Natural Resources Conservation Service

Since 1935, the Natural Resources Conservation Service (originally called the Soil Conservation Service) has provided leadership in a partnership effort to help America's private land owners and managers conserve their soil, water, and other natural resources.

NRCS employees provide technical assistance based on sound science and suited to a customer's specific needs. We provide financial assistance for many conservation activities. Participation in our programs is voluntary.

Our Conservation Technical Assistance (CTA) program provides voluntary conservation technical assistance to land-users, communities, units of state and local government, and other Federal agencies in planning and implementing conservation systems.

We reach out to all segments of the agricultural community, including underserved and socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers, to ensure that our programs and services are accessible to everyone.
We manage natural resource conservation programs that provide environmental, societal, financial, and technical benefits.

Our science and technology activities provide technical expertise in such areas as animal husbandry and clean water, ecological sciences, engineering, resource economics, and social sciences.

We provide expertise in soil science and leadership for soil surveys and for the National Resources Inventory, which assesses natural resource conditions and trends in the United States.

We provide technical assistance to foreign governments, and participate in international scientific and technical exchanges.


Commissioner Meetings

Click Here For Direct Link to the County's YouTube Channel

Commissioners and Council meetings will be live streamed and archived here.

Indiana Legal Help

Site Under Construction

For information on any language needs or disabilities please contact the court that your case resides in.

A list of courts can be found here.

Community Corrections

Civil Filings

For questions regarding Civil Filings, please call (812) 462-3211.

Health Clinic

New Email Address that replaces the Clinics fax line: VCHD.clinic@vigocounty.in.gov

696 S. 1st St. Terre Haute, IN 47807

The entrance faces 1st street and is across from the north end of Fairbank's Park.

Services Available by Appointment Only

Well Child & Physical Exams by a Physician are available on Friday mornings ONLY   
Childhood and adult immunizations are provided to patients:
  • With health insurance
  • With no health insurance
  • Who have health insurance, but it does not cover immunizations
  • Those on Medicaid

Please call 812-462-3431 for details and to schedule your appointment. We will only accept cash payment

Adult physicals, sports physicals, kindergarten physicals and HeadStart physicals not requiring labs:

No immunization appointments available the week of March 10th -14th. We will be doing TB testing Monday, Wednesday and Friday and physicals by appointment on Friday.
TB Testing Available
Testing on Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's
8:15-11:45 - 1:00-3:45
Call 812-462-3431 if you have any questions
***all services subject to change and/or cancellation***
You must call the clinic to setup and schedule an appointment to receive a Covid vaccine. 
Free HIV Testing
  • Confidential
  • Walk-in HIV testing 4th Tuesday of every month
  • 1:00 - 3:00 pm
  • No appointment necessary

Communicable Disease Prevention Program 

  • Tuberculosis testing, prevention & treatment, outreach services
  • Adult immunization (i.e. tetanus, flu, hepatitis)
  • Communicable disease investigation  
  • Animal bite tracking & rabies investigations

Well Child Program                

  • Immunizations  
  • Growth and development
  • Hemoglobin
  • Lead
  • Physical assessment  
  • Physical exam by Pediatrician
  • Well child visit
  • HeadStart & Kindergarten physicals 
  • Preventive health education
  • Referrals to other agencies or providers
  • Sports Physicals

Central Immunization Registry Program 

The Children and Hoosier Immunization Registry Program "CHIRP" consolidates immunization records into a statewide web-based computer program.  CHIRP allows for the sharing of immunization information among authorized health care provider, health insurers, schools, and day care centers. CHIRP helps assure adequate immunization, avoid unnecessary immunizations, meet immunization requirements, and control disease outbreaks. The Vigo County Health Department Central Immunization Registry has a strict protocol for maintaining confidentiality and privacy. Parents or guardians may obtain an official immunization record with a photo ID or by activating your child's  MyVaxIndiana. Click on the link below for more information.
Link to MyVaxIndiana


Click here for more information



Pre-Trial Services

Floodplain Information

Floodplain Management

The Vigo County Area Planning Department provides educational materials and issues permits in flood prone areas to ensure property owners take appropriate measures to help minimize property damage from flood-related events.

Residents may obtain flood risk information such as Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) information, elevation certificates on file, historical flood data, and permits for proposed and existing structures by visiting the Vigo County Area Planning Department. 

Vigo County Area Planning Department
159 Oak St.
Terre Haute, IN 47807

You may also email the Floodplain Administrator at sydney.holmberg@vigocounty.in.gov.

Important Floodplain Information

Know Your Flood Hazard
Vigo County Flood Control Ordinance
Flood Maps
Flood Insurance
Protect Your Property
Real-Time Gage for the Wabash River
Flood Resource Links

Vigo County Stone Database


Domestic Violence Division

Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Angela Bullock handles all domestic violence prosecutions in Vigo County.  An investigator and a secretary from the Criminal Division also serve the Domestic Violence Division.  All domestic violence prosecutions, subject to a few exceptions, are filed in the Vigo Superior Court Division 4.

The following services are provided by the Domestic Violence Division:

  • Victim Rights Notification
  • No Contact Orders
  • Steps to drop a No Contact Order
  • Protective Orders
  • Anger Management/Domestic Violence Counseling
  • Safety Plans

Vigo Superior Court Division I


  • Court office is located on the south end of the 4th floor.
  • Courtroom is located east of the center rotunda.


  • 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
  • Closed for Lunch from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m.
  • Holidays - Closed on all major holidays - see closings listed in "Upcoming  Events".


  • Courthouse parking lot is located west of the Courthouse.
  • If appearing for jury duty, plan to arrive early, as parking is limited.



VIGO SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION I handles both criminal and civil cases in the following areas:

Criminal Cases:

  • A, B, C, D and Level 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Felonies
  • Criminal cases are heard daily at 9:00 a.m.

Civil Cases:

  • Family Law
    • Dissolution of Marriage
    • Child Support
    • Child Custody
    • Division of Property/Debt
    • Emancipation
    • Protection Orders
  • Medical Malpractice
  • Personal Injury
  • Contract Disputes
  • Mortgage Foreclosures
  • Collections
  • Contract Disputes
  • Probate
    • Estates
    • Guardianships

Adult Protective Services Division

Vigo Superior Court Division 2


  • Court office is located on north end of the 3rd Floor
  • Courtroom is located west of the rotunda


  • 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday
  • Closed for Lunch from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m.
  • Holidays – Closed on all major holidays – see closings listed in “Upcoming Events”


  • Courthouse parking lot is located west of the Courthouse
  • If appearing for jury duty, plan to arrive early, as parking is limited




VIGO SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION II primarily handles civil cases in the following areas:  

  • Family Law
    • Marriage Dissolution
    • Child Custody
    • Child Support
    • Parenting Time
    • Emancipation
    • Division of Property/Debt
    • Protection Orders
  • Collections
  • Contract Disputes
  • Medical Malpractice
  • Mental Health
  • Mortgage Foreclosures
  • Personal Injury
  • Probate
    • Estates
    • Guardianships
  • Product Liability

Vigo County Resource Guide Updated 2017

Click for information on Child Support Payments from remote

Administrative Rule 17 Emergency Relief for Indiana Trial Courts related to Corona Virus

Administrative Rule 17 Emergency Relief

Child Support During the 2019 Novel Coronavirus

Procedures for Witnessing of Wills Relating to 2019 Novel Coronavirus

Relief Under Indiana Administrative Rule 17

Adult Probation

Vigo County Council Committees

Annual Budget

  • Vicki Weger, Chair
  • Brad Anderson
  • Steve Ellis

Plan Commission

The planning statutes found in the Indiana Code provide the authority for each city, town, and county in the state to create a plan commission. Once established, this body becomes the unit of local government with the authority for comprehensive planning and zoning. In developing planning laws, the legislature carefully defined the responsibilities and duties of the plan commission and placed great emphasis on two points: 1) planning must be comprehensive, 2) it must be on a continuing basis.

The Vigo County Area Plan Commission is in a unique position in local government. It is a semi-independent commission made up of elected and appointed officials as well as private citizens. Primarily, it is an advisory to the governing body, other local governmental departments and officials, public agencies, such as park boards and school boards and to private developers and other individuals on matter related to the physical development of the community.

The potential for the plan commission to carry out this advisory function is greatly enhanced by its position in the structure of local government. It has been placed in midstream of the flow of information throughout the community. Plans and proposals from individuals and groups, who help develop the community such as business people, developers, manufacturers, private citizens, and governmental units, pass through the plan commission. Any one of these can be made aware of the plans and proposals of the other. This central coordination function can be extremely valuable to the community and its elected and appointed officials.

Functioning as an advisory arm of local government, the Vigo County Area Plan Commission has many important responsibilities, which include:

-- To prepare and recommend to the legislative body a comprehensive plan for the physical development of the City of Terre Haute, Town of Riley, Town of Seelyville, Town of West Terre Haute, and Unincorporated Area of Vigo County.

-- To prepare and recommend to the Common Council of Terre Haute, Town Board of Riley, Town Board of Seelyville, Town Board of West Terre Haute, and Vigo County Commissioners zoning and subdivision control ordinances.

-- To develop and recommend for adoption other tools useful for implementing the comprehensive plan (i.e. housing and building codes).

-- To review and approve or disapprove all subdivision plats.

-- To review all petitions for amendments to the zoning ordinance and map, and recommend their approval or disapproval to the legislative bodies.

-- To participate in the preparation of a capital improvement program (CIP) for the jurisdiction, based upon the comprehensive plan.

-- To do special studies as requested by the legislative bodies and develop special plans, surveys, and reports treating new problems as they arise.

-- To hold public hearings, as necessary.

-- To receive comments from the public concerning changes to the plan, zoning ordinance, subdivision control ordinance, and other land use control regulations.

-- To review and revise the comprehensive plan, zoning ordinance, subdivision control ordinance, and capital improvement program to keep them up-to-date and adjusted to changing conditions.

-- To review and approve, modify, or disapprove a redevelopment or economic development plan submitted by the local redevelopment commission for conformity with the comprehensive plan.

-- To review and make recommendations to the governing bodies on certain issues related to the physical development of the jurisdiction. Many times a legislative body will ask for recommendations on how the community should respond to federal and state directives dealing with highways, parks, conservation areas, airports, schools, public buildings and structures, solid waste disposal, public water, housing rehabilitation, community development, and other activities involving public facilities or services.

-- To inform and educate the public about the purpose of planning and how specific local problems are being resolved.

-- To name and number streets and structures.


The Vigo County Enhanced 911 Department is responsible for verification of all address's used in 911 emergency services dispatching as well as routing and maintenance of the telephone switching systems used for 911 in Vigo County.

For non-emergency- 812-232-3801 24/7

Emergency- 911

Child Support Payments

Please click herefor instructions to make Child Support payments.

Payment histories will be mailed to the address in our computer system only. To request payment histories call 812-462-3215.

All other Child Support questions please call 812-462-3215.


  • Windows are located on the second floor, east wing off of the rotunda.


  • 8:00 a.m. to 3:45 p.m., Monday through Friday.
  • Holidays - Closed on all major holidays - see closings listed in "Upcoming Events".

Child Support handles both payments and history of payments.

  • For any information/inquiry you are required to bring the following:
    • Current Drivers License or State ID
    • You must be a Party to the case
  • You can make a payment without any of the above information

Vigo Superior Court Division III/ Vigo Circuit Court


  • 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
  • Closed for Lunch from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m.
  • Holidays - Closed on all major holidays - see closings listed in "Upcoming  Events".


  • Court office is located on the south end of the 3rd floor.
  • Courtroom is located east of the center rotunda.


  • Courthouse parking lot is located west of the Courthouse.
  • If appearing for jury duty, plan to arrive early, as parking is limited.


Filings are not accepted by the Court by E-Mail.  Any filings received by E-Mail will not be filed and will not be responded to.

VIGO SUPERIOR COURT, DIVISION III/VIGO CIRCUIT COURT handles both criminal and civil cases in the following areas:

Criminal cases:

  • A, B, C and D Felonies
  • Criminal cases are heard daily at 10:00 a.m.

Civil Cases:

Family Law

  • Dissolution of Marriage
  • Child Support
  • Child Custody
  • Division of Property/Debt
  • Emancipation
  • Protection Orders
  • Medical Malpractice
  • Personal Injury
  • Contract Disputes
  • Mortgage Foreclosures
  • Collections
  • Contract Disputes
  • Adoptions
  • Probate
  • Estates
  • Guardianships



Click for information on Child Support Payments from remote

Administrative Rule 17 Emergency Relief for Indiana Trial Courts related to Corona Virus

Administrative Rule 17 Emergency Relief

Child Support During the 2019 Novel Coronavirus

Procedures for Witnessing of Wills Relating to 2019 Novel Coronavirus

Relief Under Indiana Administrative Rule 17

Vector Control

The phone number for the Vector Control Division is 812-234-9181. 

2024 Tire Amnesty information click here
ANIMAL REMOVAL - The Vigo County Health Department's Vector Control Division handles complaints involving rodents, vector insects, and associated disposal of dead animals from county and city roads.  Upon owners request, dead animals may also be picked up from private property.  To request a dead animal pickup, call the Vector Control Division at 812-234-9181.
SPRAYING FOR MOSQUITOES - Our drivers are not allowed to run the sprayer when people are present. If you are outside when the spray trucks come by, the drivers are instructed to turn the sprayers off. We spray 6 night per week during breeding season when the weather permits.
PREVENTION - Begin in your own backyard!  Eliminate any standing water.  Flower pots, gutters and toys all serve as catch places for stagnate water and need emptied.  Check for leaves in gutters to prevent the "ideal breeding ground" for mosquitoes.  Keep yards trimmed and bushes cut back to stop hiding places for mosquitoes.  

For more information about mosquitoes and West Nile virus, visit http://whyfiles.org/016skeeter/index.html.

BAT MANAGEMENT - If a bat is found in your home overnight, please call Vector Control at 812-234-9181 for removal. The ISDH requests that any bat found in your home possibly in your sleeping quarters be submitted for rabies testing.

TICK INFORMATION - Because of state funding cuts to the University's Tick program, the Health Department will no longer be sending ticks in for testing to Ball State University. 

TICKS AND DISEASES IN INDIANA - FAQ's, how to identify and remove, etc. 

What kind of tick was it?  See ticks even more here. 

Board of Zoning Appeals

When a zoning ordinance is adopted, the Indiana Code requires that a board of zoning appeals be created. As a quasi-judicial body, the board of zoning appeals provides a "safety valve" through which land owners can seek relief from strict application of a zoning ordinance. Further, the board functions to give greater assurance that zoning is fair and equitable, that it is properly interpreted, and does not cause excessive hardship. 

In general, the board's duties fan into three major categories: 1) appeals from administrative decisions; 2) the granting of special uses; and 3) the granting of variances/special exceptions from development standards.

Powers and duties of a Board of Zoning Appeals include: 

  • To hear and determine appeals from and review any order, requirement, decision, or determination made by an administrative official, staff member, or board charged with the enforcement of a zoning ordinance; 
  • To hear and determine special uses as detailed be terms of the zoning ordinance; and
  • To authorize variances from the zoning ordinance in certain cases.

A variance from development standards such as height, size, and setback may not be granted unless it is determined in writing that: 

  1. The grant will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the community; 
  2. The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance will not be affected in a substantially adverse manner; and 
  3. The strict application of the terms of this Ordinance would result in an unnecessary hardship, excluding financial reasons, in the use of the property

Under AREA PLANNING LAW, no variance/special exception of use are permitted.

The Board of Zoning Appeals consist of two (2) divisions, which divisions shall be designated, for identification purposes, as follows:

  1. Vigo County Board of Zoning Appeals, which has exclusive territorial jurisdiction over all matters properly before the board involving or affecting property within unincorporated areas of the Vigo County; the corporate boundaries of the Town of Riley, the corporate boundaries of the Town of Seelyville, or the corporate boundaries of the Town of West Terre Haute.
  2. Terre Haute Board of Zoning Appeals, which has exclusive territorial jurisdiction over all matters properly before the board involving or affecting property within the corporate boundaries of the City of Terre Haute.

Juvenile Probation

Check Deception Division

This page is currently under construction, but in the future Related Pages may include the following:

  • About the Law
  • What steps should businesses take?
  • Referrals to the Prosecutor's Office
  • Forms (federal forms, no county forms)

Stone Perpetuation Program

The Land Ordinance of 1785 indicated the commencement of the United States Public Land System.  The ordinance helps the dividing of federally-owned land for transfer of ownership to the public. After the United States granted title to a parcel of land, jurisdiction over that land passed to the state. Where the lands were in private ownership, it became a function of county or local Surveyors to restore lost corners and subdivide the sections.

Surveys of public record that have previously been perpetuated by a monument and which lie within the limits of a project will be recovered and those found will be perpetuated. This includes and is not limited to section corners, 1/4, 1/16, and meander corners with witness monuments, lot and block corners, and other monuments. The County Surveyor must keep and maintain a corner record book showing original government section corners. The Surveyor must check, locate, establish, and reference at least 5% of all original corners shown in the Section Corner Record Books each year.

The Stone Perpetuation Program has continued to strengthen with nearly 300 corners in Vigo County being perpetuated. The office is committed to providing this service to the community of Vigo County and will continue to fulfill our duties to citizens.

Vigo County Budget & Tax Information

The Vigo County Council is the fiscal body of the county unit of local government in our county.  The fiscal body adopts the budget, property tax rate and property tax levy for the county unit.  The property tax rate and levy for the county unit along with the rates and levies approved for every other unit within Vigo County make up the property tax rates for the various taxing districts and determine the property tax bill for each parcel of property. The Department of Local Government (DLGF) reviews all budgets with a property tax levy and issues final approval. Additional information specific to Vigo County can be found on the DLGF website.

 Budget Information

Property Tax Rates

2022 2022
 2021 2021
 2020  2020
 2019  2019
 2018  2018
 2017  2017
 2016  2016
 2015  2015
 2014  2014
 2013  2013
 2012  2012
 2011  2011
 2010  2010
 2009  2009
 2008  2008
 2007  2007

The DLGF provides a Local Tax and Finance Dashboard on Gateway for each unit of government.  The dashboard provides information for that unit concerning property taxes, levies, budgets, employment, and indebtedness with the ability to compare several years of data.  Please click on the link to view the dashboard for Vigo County Government and other taxing units.

Child Support Division

General information in addition to a page regarding Fees and Forms and Vigo County's Most Wanted Child Support Offenders (see Marion County -- http://www6.indygov.org/pros/topten.htm).


Marriage Office

Marriage License Application

*IMPORTANT: Your appointment with the clerk's office is to obtain the license to marry ONLY. It is your responsibility to find someone to preform your marriage ceremony.


  • Vigo County Courthouse first floor


  • By appointment only, call 812-462-3211. Appointments are scheduled between 8:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. only.
  • Holidays- Closed on all major holidays- see closings listed in “Upcoming Events”


  • A marriage license is valid for 60 days from the date it is issued, and couples may be married as early as the same day.
  • Both applicants are 18 years of age or older;
  • One or both applicants are 17 years of age or younger and have a court order granting permission to obtain a marriage license.
  • All applicants must e-file. You MUST apply using a laptop or desktop computer, the website is not compatible with a phone or tablet. If you do not have access to a laptop or computer, the Vigo County Public Library has free, public computers available. 
    • You can apply for a marriage license here.
  • You are required to bring one of the following:
    • Valid driver’s license OR
    • Valid State issued ID OR
    • Valid passport
  • You may be required to provide proof of residency (ie bill or bank statement) if the address you entered on your application does not match your photo ID or if your ID does not have an address. 
  • Both applicants must be able to appear in person on the day of their appointment.


  • Either applicant is under the influence of drugs or alcohol when applying;
  • Applicants are more closely related than second cousins (except if both applicants are sixty-five (65) years of age)
  • Either applicant has been adjudge of unsound mind, unless the adjudication has been removed.
  • Either applicant is a convicted lifetime sex or violent Offender that has not submitted an affidavit of written notice of the person’s intent to marry and intended married name to the local law enforcement authority in county of conviction & county of residence.


  • The marriage license fee is $25.00 if one or both parties are Vigo County residents. 
  • The marriage license fee is $65.00 if both applicants are out of state residents. Out of state residents must be getting married in Vigo County within 60-days of obtaining their license to marry. 


Revised Mar. 07, 2025. jrk

State Line Marker

Below is the Indiana - Illinois State Line Marker. The Vigo County Surveyor's Office takes pride in maintaining this important monument.  This State Marker was set in 1821 and accepted in 1823. It is witnessed by two granite reference markers with the centers of the markers being exactly 15' North and 15' South of the State Line marker. The State Line Marker is engraved on the North side of the stone " 159 miles and 46 chains to Lake Michigan."

State Line Marker

Below is the Picture of the State Line Marker's East side engraved with " INDIANA", and the West side of the State Line Marker engraved with " ILLINOIS."

State Line Marker

Survey Marker

The two pictures below are of the reference marker 15' North of the State Line Marker. The East side of the marker is inscribed with the word " INDIANA" and the West side of the marker is inscribed with the word "ILLINOIS." Both words on the reference marker are inscribed vertically.

Survey Marker


The picture below is taken from the South side. It encompasses the South reference marker, the State Line Marker, and the North reference marker.
state line
Below is the picture of the last time the monument was set. The date on the picture is September 13, 1928.


Vigo Superior Court Division IV


  • Court office is located on north end of the hallway
  • Courtroom is located on the west side of 2nd floor hallway


  • 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday
  • Closed for Lunch from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m.


  • Courthouse parking lot is located west of the Courthouse

 VIGO SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION IV handles both Civil and Criminal cases:

CIVIL CASES:                                           

  • Small Claims
  • Miscellaneous Title
  • Protection Orders
  • Ordinance Violations
  • Mortgage Foreclosures
  • Medical Malpractice
  • Personal Injury

CRIMINAL CASES: A, B, C, D Misdemeanors and Level 5 and Level 6 Felonies

  • Domestic Battery
  • Invasion of Privacy

Click for information on Child Support Payments from remote

Administrative Rule 17 Emergency Relief for Indiana Trial Courts related to Corona Virus

Administrative Rule 17 Emergency Relief

Child Support During the 2019 Novel Coronavirus

Procedures for Witnessing of Wills Relating to 2019 Novel Coronavirus

Relief Under Indiana Administrative Rule 17

About Us

The Vigo County Council is comprised of seven members, four elected from districts and three elected at-large. To ensure continuity within the Council, elections for the at-large and district positions are held two years apart.  Members of Council must reside within the county and the district from which they were elected.  Members elected at-large can reside anywhere within the County.

Council Duties:

  • Exclusive power of making appropriations to be paid out of the county treasury.
  • Adoption of the annual budget after receiving estimates submitted by the various county agencies through the county auditor, subject to the modification by the Indiana Department of Local Government Finance.
  • Incurring county indebtedness within the constitutional limitations.
  • Appropriation of additional funds arising after the budget is adopted.
  • Fixing of salaries of officers, deputies, assistants and employees whose salaries are payable from any county fund, with certain exceptions as provided by the statutes granting the Council.
  • Rules of the Vigo County Council - 2024


  • Council Attorney:  Michael Wright

The County Auditor serves as clerk to the fiscal body.

Vital Statistics

New Email Address that replaces Vitals fax line: VCHD.vitals@vigocounty.in.gov

Welcome to Vital Statistics!!

Vital Statistics Hours are from 8:15am - 3:45pm 

Vital Statistics is responsible for:
  • Maintaining records of all Vigo County births
  • Issuing birth records for all people born in Vigo County
  • Submitting data on Vigo County births to Indiana State Department of Health
  • Maintaining records of all Vigo County deaths 
  • Issuing death records for all persons who have died in Vigo County
  • Submitting data on Vigo County deaths to Indiana State Department of Health
  • Providing records that are available to the public for genealogy searches
  • Birth and Death Records date back to the year 1882 

NEED A BIRTH CERTIFICATE? Click here for instructions & application

NEED A DEATH CERTIFICATE? Click here for instructions & application

We DO NOT accept Birth or Death Certificate requests via email, fax or phone! 
GENEALOGY POLICY  Click Here Birth and Death Records date back to the year 1882.
CORRECTION HOURS for the following are done by appointment only between the hours of 9:00 am - 10:00 am. 

Alcohol & Drug Related Prosecutions

Link to the following:

  • Drug Court
  • Robert Howard Brown Alcohol and Drug Program
  • Vigo County Drug Task Force


Vigo County 2018 Holidays

  • New Year's Day - January 1
  • Martin Luther King - January 15
  • President's Day - February 19
  • Good Friday - March 30
  • Primary Election Day- May 8
  • Memorial Day - May 28
  • Independence Day - July 4
  • Labor Day - September 3
  • Columbus Day - October 8
  • General Election Day - November 6
  • Veterans Day - November 12
  • Thanksgiving - November 22/23
  • Christmas - December 24/25
  • New Year's Eve - December 31

Holidays for 2019

  • New Year's Day - January 1
  • Martin Luther King Day - January 21
  • President's Day - February 18
  • Good Friday - April 19
  • Primary Election - May 7
  • Memorial Day - May 27
  • Independence Day - July 4
  • Labor Day - September 2
  • Columbus Day - October 14
  • General Election - November 5
  • Veteran's Day - November 11
  • Thanksgiving - November 28/29
  • Christmas - December 24/25

Vigo Superior Court Division V


  • Court office is located on the south end of the 2nd floor.
  • Courtroom is located east of the center rotunda.


  • 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
  • Closed for Lunch from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m.
  • Holidays - Closed on all major holidays - see closings listed in "Upcoming Events".


  • Courthouse parking lot is located west of the Courthouse.
  • If appearing for jury duty, plan to arrive early, as parking is limited.



VIGO SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION 5 handles both criminal and civil cases in the following areas:

Criminal Cases:

  • A, B, C, D and Level 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Felonies
  • Criminal cases are heard Monday – Thursday at 11:00 AM and 1:30 PM.  Friday at 9:30 AM.

Civil Cases:

  • Civil cases are heard Monday – Thursday at 9:30 AM
  • Family Law
    • Dissolution of Marriage
    • Child Support
    • Child Custody
    • Division of Property/Debt
    • Emancipation
    • Protection Orders
  • Medical Malpractice
  • Personal Injury
  • Contract Disputes
  • Mortgage Foreclosures
  • Collections
  • Contract Disputes

For commonly used Division 5 Court Forms click here

Click for information on Child Support Payments from remote

Administrative Rule 17 Emergency Relief for Indiana Trial Courts related to Corona Virus

Administrative Rule 17 Emergency Relief

Child Support During the 2019 Novel Coronavirus

Procedures for Witnessing of Wills Relating to 2019 Novel Coronavirus

Relief Under Indiana Administrative Rule 17

Regulated Legal Drains

Vigo County Drainage Board Regulated Drains


Agricultural Drains

Drain/Ditch Name




Cox 1

Open Channel

864 Acres

1.44 Miles


Open Channel

2400 Acres

4.74 Miles

Urban Drains

Drain/Ditch Name



Approximate Length

Creal Lake


7.69 Acres

800 Feet



18 Lots

250 Feet

Lakewood East


14 Lots

200 Feet

Lakewood West


33 Lots

200 Feet

Quail Run


17.15 Acres

1200 Feet

R.K. Miller


9 Lots

1060 Feet

 Any questions or concerns related to the legal regulated drains of Vigo County can be addressed by the Vigo County Drainage Board, whom shall be reached at 812-462-3367.